How can our

    Community sustain a positive impact long-term?

    We will evolve from a fragmented behavioral health system to a community culture of health with shared values and unified vision, without stigma and disparities.

    We are a movement powered by our most important asset: PEOPLE.

    BeWellPBC photo


    How We Take Action

    BeWellPBC’s Action Teams

    PBC Portfolio Design Team

    Regional leaders working to re-imagine behavioral health in Palm Beach County

    Community Solutions

    Supporting innovative community ideas

    System Leaders Table

    Engaging top leadership to examine and align efforts across systems with common thread of behavioral health

    Workforce Pipeline

    Developing new and enhanced paths to Palm Beach County employment in the behavioral health field

    BeWellPBC’s Stewardship Council

    BeWellPBC Staff

    Lauren Zuchman

    Executive Director

    Alita Faber

    Networks & Operations Manager